Friday, January 4, 2013

Trip to Ottawa: Part 4

It was such a wonderful time in Ottawa that we wanted to share a few more of our favorite photos!

Sometimes, the best moments are just hanging around the house together.

The kids loved hanging over the back of the couch, watching the massive snow blower out the window.

And there was lots of turns taken sitting in the baby rocker...sometimes they even shared. :-)

It was so much fun seeing all of Daddy's old friends & their kids on our first day in town! And we were excited when a couple of them invited us into their homes for a second visit. First, we headed over in the morning to Alec & Allison's house where Jackson played with Carys.

After a nap, we visited Mike and Catherine's home where Jackson and Lola shared some snacks...

 ...AND Jackson met his very 1st "kitty-cat", Delilah. He was obsessed!


 On our last full day, Jackson took a few more solo runs down the front yard...

All that fun leads to wonderful memories and of course, long naps! :-)

Before we headed back to Atlanta, Mommy & Daddy went out for a fantastic New Year's Eve dinner (thanks to Grandma & Grandpa for babysitting!).

On our drive to the airport, Jackson made sure to wish Grandpa a "Happy New Year!!"
We loved starting our New Year in Ottawa!


Trip to Ottawa: Part 3: SNOW DAY!

A Christmas trip to Ottawa wouldn't be complete without some SNOW! And man, we sure got a lot of it...a record amount for Ottawa at this time of year.

Mom had bought Jackson an awesome snow suit that fit him perfectly...and looked very handsome, if I might say so! :-)

We HAD to put that suit to good use, of course! And let's be honest, Mommy was dying to play in the snow! So, we got all bundled up and headed outside...

We had borrowed some sleds from Paul Loo's family and Rick & Anil dug out a nice little sled run in the front yard down the hill.

And guess who sledded SOLO? Audrey!!

...AND Jackson! Way to go guys!! (Jackson's solo run is at the end of the video.)

Even Dad joined in the snow/sledding fun!!

Meanwhile, Violet started construction of her very own snowman...

Nice job Vila!!

Louise took a few minutes to snuggle with her fam...nice way to keep warm! :-)

After Jackson headed inside, I had to take a few more moments to play in the snow. Too much fun!!

And Louise joined me in some sledding experiments. :-)

It was a super-fun time with lots of laughter and smiles!!

Trip to Ottawa: Part 2

Our first full day all together started with yummy breakfast (courtesy of Grandma) for the kids and Tim Horton's coffee for the adults!

And soon, we were off to the Kids Museum of Civilization! Jackson and Audrey tried out the gigantic throne at the entrance...

And inside the museum? Well, how perfect that the 1st stop was INDIA?! :-)
Jackson was halfway up the bus steps (yes, they actually shipped the bus in from India!) before we could catch up.

I can't emphasize enough how much he loved that bus!
And luckily, he had a friend in Vila that kept him company...

He even made a little video for Grandma and Grandpa.

Moving on into the rest of the museum, we found a super-cool motorcycle...

 A post office for the girls to practice their work skills...

A "communication tent" where Jackson took an apparently very serious phone call...

An art station...


And more "vehicles" for the cousins to enjoy riding together...

...There was even a rick-shaw for Chachu to drive them around on :-)

Before we headed home, we snuck back on the bus for one more quick photo - this time with Mommy!

 Finally, every day should end with a little kazoo playing...

Monkey-ing around...


Coloring time with your cousin...

And snuggle-time with your Chachi & Chachu!

Trip to Ottawa: Part 1

It was a long travel day to get to Ottawa, but it was well worth it! It was quite late by the time we arrived, so we were in bed shortly after...had to get our rest for a big 1st day of plans!!

Our first morning there, the "Toronto" Malhotras had not yet arrived, so Jackson had a solo breakfast with Grandpa to start the day.

And he even talked Grandpa into pushing him around in the stroller for a bit.

Soon after, we were off to Paul Loo's house (or "Uncle Paulie" as Jackson calls him) to see all of Anil's lifelong friends & all their kids. Jackson & Mommy think it's so special that they all still keep in touch! 

It was an awesome few hours with friends...old and new...filled with lots of food & new toys. Jackson especially liked playing with the football equipment and the BIG piano! He and Lola were two peas in a pod on the piano bench. And Uncle Bruce even tried to teach him a few basics.

After all that excitement, Jackson was ready for a nap. We probably could have taken one, too, but instead, we made a Tim Hortons run...our 1st (but one of MANY) on this trip...while Grandma/Grandpa kept an eye on the napper. It was fun to just sit, drink & snack together for an hour. Even though we work together at home these days, there still doesn't seem to be much "down time" to just sit.

Soon after nap time, Chachu, Chachi, Audrey & Violet finally arrived. And not long after, Grandma started passing out what would be the 1st in a long line of presents. :-)

Too soon, it was bed time. We had a big trip to the museum planned for the next day!